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Peer-reviewed articles (probably not up-to-date)

Ruskin KJ, Herring G, Eagles-Smith C, Eiklor A, Elphick CE, Etterson M, Field CR, Longenecker RA, Kovach AR, Shriver WG, Walsh J, Olsen BJ. 2022. Mercury exposure of tidal marsh songbirds in the northeastern United States and its effects on nest survival. Ecotoxicology, 31: 208-220, 10.1007/s10646-021-02488-1.

Lopez BE, Kennedy C, Field CR, McPhearson T. 2021. Who benefits from urban green spaces during times of crisis? Perception and use of urban green spaces in New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 65: 127354,

Vijay V, Field CR, Gollnow F, Jones KK. 2021. COVID-19 pandemic search behaviour shows increased links between human health and conservation. Biological Conservation 257:109078,


Klingbeil BT, Cohen JB, Correll MD, Field CR, Hodgman TP, Kovach AI, Lentz EE, Olsen BJ, Shriver GW, Wiest WA, Elphick CS. 2021. High uncertainty over the future of tidal marsh birds under current sea-level rise projections. Biodiversity and Conservation 30:431–443,


Olsen BJ, Froehly JL, Borowske AC, Elphick CS, Field CR, Kocek AR, Kovach AI, Longenecker RA, Shriver GW, Walsh J, Ruskin KJ. 2019. A test of a corollary of Allen’s rule suggests a role for population density. Journal of Avian Biology, 50,

Field CR, Elphick CS. 2019. Quantifying the return on investment of social and ecological data for conservation planning. Environmental Research Letters

Field CR, RuskinKJ, Cohen JB, Hodgman TP, Kovach AI, Olsen BJ, Shriver GW, ElphickCS. 2019. Framework for quantifying population responses to disturbance reveals that coastal birds are highly resilient to hurricanes. Ecology Letters


Olsen BJ, Froehly JL, Borowske AC, Elphick CS, Field CR, Kocek AR, Kovach AI, Longenecker RA, Shriver WG, Walsh J, Ruskin KJ. 2019. A test of a corollary of Allen’s rule suggests a role for population density. Journal of Avian Biology

Klingbeil BT,  Cohen JB,  Correll MD,  Field CR,  Hodgman TP,  Kovach AI,  Olsen BJ,  Shriver WG,  Wiest WA, Elphick CS. 2018. Evaluating a focal-species approach for tidal marsh bird conservation in the northeastern United States, The Condor 120:4,

Borowske A, Field CR, Ruskin KA, Elphick CS. 2018. Consequences of breeding system for body condition and survival throughout the annual cycle of tidal marsh sparrows. Journal of Avian Biology 49:4,

Field CR, Ruskin KJ, Benvenuti B, Borowske A, Cohen JB, Garey L, Hodgman TP, Kern RA, King E, Kocek AR, Kovach AI, O’Brien KM, Olsen BJ, Pau N, Roberts SG, Shelly E, Shriver WG, Walsh J, Elphick CS. 2017. Quantifying the importance of geographic replication and representativeness when estimating demographic rates. Ecography 41:971-981,

Field CR, Dayer AA, Elphick CS. 2017. Landowner behavior can determine the success of conservation strategies for ecosystem migration under sea-level rise. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114:9134-9139,

Ruskin KA, Etterson MA, Hodgman TP, Borowske A, Cohen JB, Elphick CS, Field CR, Kern RA, King E, Kocek AR, Kovach AI, Pau N, Shriver WG, Walsh J, Olsen BJ. 2017. Demographic analysis demonstrates systematic but independent spatial variation in abiotic and biotic stressors across 59% of global species range. The Auk 134:903-916,

Correll MD, Wiest WA, Hodgman TP, Kelley J, McGill BJ, Elphick CS, Shriver WG, Conway M, Field CR, Olsen BJ. 2017. A Pleistocene disturbance event explains modern diversity patterns in tidal marsh birds. Ecography 41:684-694,

Field CR, Bayard T, Gjerdrum C, Hill J, Meiman S, Elphick CS. 2017. High-resolution tide projections reveal extinction threshold in response to sea-level rise. Global Change Biology 23:2058–2070,


Ruskin KA, Etterson MA, Hodgman TP, Borowske A, Cohen JB, Elphick CS, Field CR, Kern RA, King E, Kocek AR, Kovach AI, Pau N, Shriver WG, Walsh J, Olsen BJ. 2016. Seasonal fecundity is not related to geographic position across a species’ global range despite a central peak in abundance. Oecologia


Field CR, Gjerdrum C, Elphick CS. 2016. Forest resistance to sea-level rise prevents landward migration of tidal marsh. Biological Conservation 201:363-369,  


Field CR, Gjerdrum C, Elphick CS. 2016. Choice of statistical method to adjust counts for imperfect detection has little effect on inferences about animal abundance. Methods in Ecology and Evolution,


Reed MJ, Field CR, Silbernagle MD, Nadig A, Goebel K, Dibben-Young A, Donaldson P, Elphick CS. 2015. Application of the complete-data likelihood to estimate juvenile and adult survival for the endangered Hawaiian stilt. Journal of Animal Conservation 18:176-185,


Elphick CS, Field CR. 2014. Monitoring indicators of climate change along Long Island Sound: A simple protocol for collecting baseline data on marsh migration. Wetland Science and Practice 31:7-9.

Articles in popular press

Askins RA, Field CR. 2016. The future of early successional forest birds in Connecticut. Connecticut State of the Birds, Connecticut Audubon Society. 


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